Guest Book

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486 entries.
Chazzare Chatmon Chazzare Chatmon from Stone Mountain,GA wrote on October 31, 2024 at 9:09 pm
Hi my name is Chazzareโ€™Chatmon I am 29 years old I live in Stone Mountain,Georgia and I got introduced to the Rifleman and Johnny while I was watching Me TV last month.Seeing how much Johnny accomplished throughout his career from his tv shows movies music and etcโ€ฆhas been so inspiring to see and I will always love and support him and his family no matter what.Johnny Crawford fan for life!!!!
Hi my name is Chazzareโ€™Chatmon I am 29 years old I live in Stone Mountain,Georgia and I got introduced to the Rifleman and Johnny while I was watching Me TV last month.Seeing how much Johnny accomplished throughout his career from his tv shows movies music and etcโ€ฆhas been so inspiring to see and I will always love and support him and his family no matter what.Johnny Crawford fan for life!!!!... Collapse
Scott Scott from Springfield wrote on April 16, 2024 at 9:50 pm
Thank you for sharing with the multitude of folks that have seen Mr. Crawford on TV and elsewhere. He lived a full life and as this guestbook reveals, he made a positive impact on many folks. All the best to all who knew and loved John Crawford!!!
Thank you for sharing with the multitude of folks that have seen Mr. Crawford on TV and elsewhere. He lived a full life and as this guestbook reveals, he made a positive impact on many folks.

All the best to all who knew and loved John Crawford!!!... Collapse
Mike Mike from Colorado springs wrote on April 16, 2024 at 1:11 pm
I always enjoyed watching Jonny. He was very good at his acting with Conners. I did not know he was a Mouseketeer. I pray for him. He was a trooper. And well liked by many people. And kept me from being lonely at times. There are not many like Johnny may he rest in peace. In Jesus name amen. God bless Johnnys family and friends.
I always enjoyed watching Jonny. He was very good at his acting with Conners. I did not know he was a Mouseketeer. I pray for him. He was a trooper. And well liked by many people. And kept me from being lonely at times. There are not many like Johnny may he rest in peace. In Jesus name amen. God bless Johnnys family and friends.... Collapse
John Kennedy John Kennedy from Nashville wrote on March 26, 2024 at 12:38 pm
I have watched the Rifleman series since I was in elementary school and I watched it this afternoon. It's really a great show, the episode I saw today brought a tear to my eye. The truths that the story brought out are just as important today as when originally enforced.
I have watched the Rifleman series since I was in elementary school and I watched it this afternoon. It's really a great show, the episode I saw today brought a tear to my eye. The truths that the story brought out are just as important today as when originally enforced.... Collapse
Cathy Hutchinson Cathy Hutchinson from Cincinnati, Ohio, United States wrote on January 9, 2024 at 1:16 pm
I loved every moment that I watched" Mark " on the Rifleman. To say it was a great show would be an understatement. That show was such a joy to watch and had the morals and kind of family integrity that is missing on most all of today's television.
I loved every moment that I watched" Mark " on the Rifleman. To say it was a great show would be an understatement. That show was such a joy to watch and had the morals and kind of family integrity that is missing on most all of today's television.... Collapse
Shereese Goldman Shereese Goldman from Duncanville wrote on March 21, 2023 at 1:42 pm
Grew up watching the Rifleman and still do. Great actor Johnny is. Cutest kid ever. You will be missed. 67 in Texas. God's speed
Grew up watching the Rifleman and still do. Great actor Johnny is. Cutest kid ever. You will be missed. 67 in Texas. God's speed... Collapse
Jim Bauer Jim Bauer from Syracuse Ny wrote on March 6, 2023 at 7:48 am
Every time I see Jonny and even Chuck often thing how long did they learned to ride a horse? To start the series?
Every time I see Jonny and even Chuck often thing how long did they learned to ride a horse? To start the series?... Collapse
Luanne Luanne from Arkansas wrote on March 1, 2023 at 4:23 am
I'm a brand-spanking new fan of Johnny Crawford! I'm 61 and never knew anything about him up until a couple of weeks ago. I'm going through a very stressful project at work and am working long hours so sometimes I sleep on the couch with the TV on. A couple of weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a sweet song being sung by a young man to a pretty girl on The Rifleman. Long story short, Johnny's singing and acting has brought me an unexpected joy for which I sorely needed during this stressful time in my life. I now have a Johnny Crawford playlist playing in the background in my office and it makes me smile. I love that the Lord speaks "Luanne" fluently and has provided me with yet another answered prayer in finding joy in unexpected places. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family now that I know about you. May you feel the warmth and love of Jesus every day and my sincerest condolences on the loss of your beloved brother. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that he's still making a... Read more
I'm a brand-spanking new fan of Johnny Crawford! I'm 61 and never knew anything about him up until a couple of weeks ago. I'm going through a very stressful project at work and am working long hours so sometimes I sleep on the couch with the TV on. A couple of weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a sweet song being sung by a young man to a pretty girl on The Rifleman. Long story short, Johnny's singing and acting has brought me an unexpected joy for which I sorely needed during this stressful time in my life. I now have a Johnny Crawford playlist playing in the background in my office and it makes me smile. I love that the Lord speaks "Luanne" fluently and has provided me with yet another answered prayer in finding joy in unexpected places. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family now that I know about you. May you feel the warmth and love of Jesus every day and my sincerest condolences on the loss of your beloved brother. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that he's still making a difference.
Big hug,
Luanne... Collapse
Michael Missi Michael Missi from Borden, Indiana wrote on February 13, 2023 at 7:20 pm
Over the years I enjoyed watching the Rifleman. Great acting from top to bottom. I have a grandson who very much resembles Johnny and ironically he is into acting himself. When you grow up with a series that you live you never forget the characters. Appreciate his work.
Over the years I enjoyed watching the Rifleman. Great acting from top to bottom. I have a grandson who very much resembles Johnny and ironically he is into acting himself. When you grow up with a series that you live you never forget the characters. Appreciate his work.... Collapse
Brian Johnston Brian Johnston from Winnipeg wrote on January 23, 2023 at 12:43 pm
I've just began watching Johnny's fine performances in "The Rifleman" & am blown away by his talent at such a young age. I extend my sincere condolences to his family & I thank you for doing everything possible in keeping his memory alive. God Bless!
I've just began watching Johnny's fine performances in "The Rifleman" & am blown away by his talent at such a young age. I extend my sincere condolences to his family & I thank you for doing everything possible in keeping his memory alive. God Bless!... Collapse
Tim Owen Tim Owen from Sebring wrote on December 26, 2022 at 1:16 pm
Just watched the episode when Lucas was trying to catch a gambling cheat and Mark was mad at his dad for gambling in the saloon every night. Love the show, it was before my time but I grew up watching it.
Just watched the episode when Lucas was trying to catch a gambling cheat and Mark was mad at his dad for gambling in the saloon every night. Love the show, it was before my time but I grew up watching it.... Collapse
DP DP from san bernardino, california wrote on November 17, 2022 at 10:18 pm
OMG, I had no idea Johnny Crawford was a veteran! I grew up on The Rifleman, and bore a huge crush on Johnny. And I see from the pictures that Johnny cut a really trim, handsome picture in those uniforms. You know he might not be beside you, but keep in mind they're not really gone, so long as you remember.
OMG, I had no idea Johnny Crawford was a veteran! I grew up on The Rifleman, and bore a huge crush on Johnny. And I see from the pictures that Johnny cut a really trim, handsome picture in those uniforms. You know he might not be beside you, but keep in mind they're not really gone, so long as you remember.... Collapse
kenneth r roth jr kenneth r roth jr from american fork wrote on October 31, 2022 at 7:13 am
grewup ,watching mark mcain on rifleman. i listen to his song cindys birthday, because the old songs and people, were and stayed happy even in the most hardest times. hope is how we survive. hope keeps us goingโ˜€๏ธ
grewup ,watching mark mcain on rifleman. i listen to his song cindys birthday, because the old songs and people, were and stayed happy even in the most hardest times. hope is how we survive. hope keeps us goingโ˜€๏ธ... Collapse
kevin r. horning kevin r. horning from exeter pa. wrote on October 15, 2022 at 3:05 pm
i grew up with he and the show. other than i wanted to be him nothing else can be said. he shall be missed.
i grew up with he and the show. other than i wanted to be him nothing else can be said. he shall be missed.... Collapse
Mary leoncini Mary leoncini from Pittsfield, MA wrote on September 27, 2022 at 4:15 pm
I just now found out he passed last year. So sad to hear heโ€™s gone. I watched the Rifleman because of Johnny. He was a couple of years older than me. I had some of his 45 rpm records. My favorite was โ€œCindyโ€™s Birthdayโ€. Years later, I played it for my friend, Cindy, and she plays it every year on her birthday. She now watches the reruns and loves him as much as I did.
I just now found out he passed last year. So sad to hear heโ€™s gone. I watched the Rifleman because of Johnny. He was a couple of years older than me. I had some of his 45 rpm records. My favorite was โ€œCindyโ€™s Birthdayโ€. Years later, I played it for my friend, Cindy, and she plays it every year on her birthday. She now watches the reruns and loves him as much as I did.... Collapse
Arie van nNierop Arie van nNierop from Rotterdam, The Netherlands wrote on September 26, 2022 at 3:52 am
Until about fifteen years ago I had never heard of Johnny Crawford and โ€œThe Riflemanโ€. The series has never run in the Netherlands. One day I came across a book describing the western series of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. The part about โ€œThe Riflemanโ€ appealed to me. I then ordered a DVD with three episodes from I found the episodes more than worth ordering more. Now I have the complete series at home. It's a pleasure every time I watch an episode. I started searching the internet about Johnny to see what else there is of him. That's how I discovered that he is not only an artist, but also a singer, bandleader, narrator/reader of western stories and even presenter of music shows. A versatile person who intrigued me more and more. I now have just about everything Johnny has done and released. From vinyl to CDs, lots and lots of movies on DVD (โ€œThe Mickey Mouse Clubโ€, โ€œCrossbowโ€, โ€œThe Lone Rangerโ€ and also the many movies in which he has appeared). What a great man he must have been. Unfortunately I never got to meet him. I do have him in my heart and I am very... Read more
Until about fifteen years ago I had never heard of Johnny Crawford and โ€œThe Riflemanโ€. The series has never run in the Netherlands. One day I came across a book describing the western series of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. The part about โ€œThe Riflemanโ€ appealed to me. I then ordered a DVD with three episodes from I found the episodes more than worth ordering more. Now I have the complete series at home. It's a pleasure every time I watch an episode. I started searching the internet about Johnny to see what else there is of him. That's how I discovered that he is not only an artist, but also a singer, bandleader, narrator/reader of western stories and even presenter of music shows. A versatile person who intrigued me more and more. I now have just about everything Johnny has done and released. From vinyl to CDs, lots and lots of movies on DVD (โ€œThe Mickey Mouse Clubโ€, โ€œCrossbowโ€, โ€œThe Lone Rangerโ€ and also the many movies in which he has appeared). What a great man he must have been. Unfortunately I never got to meet him. I do have him in my heart and I am very happy that I have a lot of his material and can enjoy it every day and that I got to meet Stacey Shaffer through โ€œJohnny Crawford Legacyโ€. It is now only with the mail and Facebook, but I hope to meet her in America one day. Thanks in part to Stacey & and of course to Johnny's qualities as a singer, musician and actor, I am now a very big fan of Johnny. I hope to enjoy his films and music for a long time to come. Johnny is really great.... Collapse
Tina H. Tina H. wrote on September 25, 2022 at 12:58 am
I wish I could have met johnny. He was so amazing in the Rifleman. A really good actor and singer. I miss him so much. He is surely loved and will live forever in the hearts of his fans. I love you, johnny.
I wish I could have met johnny. He was so amazing in the Rifleman. A really good actor and singer. I miss him so much. He is surely loved and will live forever in the hearts of his fans. I love you, johnny.... Collapse
Bob Maroldy Bob Maroldy from Columbus, OH wrote on July 26, 2022 at 2:14 pm
I was very sorry to hear of Johnny's passing last year. I felt that I had a special connection with the show. In 1957 I was 14 years old and attended a screening of new TV show "pilot" episodes with my Mom. It was held in a studio in New York City and we got to watch and review a number of shows for possible production. I saw The Rifleman and instantly knew that this show would be a hot and it would be well received by both adults and kids (like me). Of course I voted for it and was really happy when it went on the air. I like to feel (and it's true) that I had a hand (a little kid's hand) in getting The Rifleman with Johnny Crawford and Chuck Connors on the air. I still watch reruns daily and feel that there are wonderful moral messages to kids (and adults) contained in those episodes. We NEED these kinds of shows today. R.I.P. and God Bless you, Johnny.
I was very sorry to hear of Johnny's passing last year. I felt that I had a special connection with the show. In 1957 I was 14 years old and attended a screening of new TV show "pilot" episodes with my Mom. It was held in a studio in New York City and we got to watch and review a number of shows for possible production. I saw The Rifleman and instantly knew that this show would be a hot and it would be well received by both adults and kids (like me). Of course I voted for it and was really happy when it went on the air. I like to feel (and it's true) that I had a hand (a little kid's hand) in getting The Rifleman with Johnny Crawford and Chuck Connors on the air. I still watch reruns daily and feel that there are wonderful moral messages to kids (and adults) contained in those episodes. We NEED these kinds of shows today. R.I.P. and God Bless you, Johnny.... Collapse
Ben shurling Ben shurling from Mcdonough ,ga wrote on July 20, 2022 at 3:06 pm
I loved Johnny, I grew up with him .now Iโ€™m 67 and I want miss the rifleman because of Johnny . So sad to hear of his passing ๐Ÿฅฒ He was a Great cowboy in every sense of the word. I grew up on a horse farm and loved every minute of it , it ride me pleasure horses and recreat what shows I loved in the saddle . I wish I had come to Az to met him RIP Johnny My Cowboy Hero โค๏ธ
I loved Johnny, I grew up with him .now Iโ€™m 67 and I want miss the rifleman because of Johnny . So sad to hear of his passing ๐Ÿฅฒ
He was a Great cowboy in every sense of the word.
I grew up on a horse farm and loved every minute of it , it ride me pleasure horses and recreat what shows I loved in the saddle .
I wish I had come to Az to met him RIP Johnny My Cowboy Hero โค๏ธ... Collapse
Mike Mike from Connecticut wrote on July 16, 2022 at 8:56 am
Like others, I just found out about Johnny's passing, and was very saddened. Continued thoughts , and prayers for his family, and friends. My Mom passed from Alzheimer's, such a cruel disease. We cared for her, and watched her for 13 years as she slipped away. I grew up with the Rifleman, it was one of my favorite shows. So many of us wanted to be Johnny, be his friend, and or be on the set with him. Playing Chuck Connor's son, what an honor, Chuck so accomplished, a great pair. Here i am much later in life, and i find myself once again watching the Rifleman, love the show. I find the older i get, the more i am drawn to it. Thank you for putting together such a beautiful tribute, and i look forward to spending some time looking at everything. Wishing you all the best, blessings Mike
Like others, I just found out about Johnny's passing, and was very saddened. Continued thoughts , and prayers for his family, and friends. My Mom passed from Alzheimer's, such a cruel disease. We cared for her, and watched her for 13 years as she slipped away.

I grew up with the Rifleman, it was one of my favorite shows. So many of us wanted to be Johnny, be his friend, and or be on the set with him. Playing Chuck Connor's son, what an honor, Chuck so accomplished, a great pair.

Here i am much later in life, and i find myself once again watching the Rifleman, love the show. I find the older i get, the more i am drawn to it.
Thank you for putting together such a beautiful tribute, and i look forward to spending some time looking at everything. Wishing you all the best, blessings Mike... Collapse