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486 entries.
Loved Johnny Loved Johnny wrote on May 16, 2021 at 3:07 pm
I am 65 now. Way back when I was 12 or so I had a mad crush on Johnny when I saw him in "The Rifleman". He was my hero back then and I wanted to be just like him then. Not until I was about 18 did I understand, me being a guy also loved him so much. Back in the 60's attraction to the same sex was not discussed nor understood much. A 12 yo boy in love with a 12 yo boy would not have gone so well in any household back then. I still watch the re-runs and remember back to my thoughts of how much I wanted to be just like him back then. He was my hero and I always wished I could be part of his family with his TV dad "Lucas". I wanted him to be my brother. Johnny, rest in peace and I will always remember the great smiles you brought to my face when I saw you with your dad Lucas on TV.
I am 65 now. Way back when I was 12 or so I had a mad crush on Johnny when I saw him in "The Rifleman". He was my hero back then and I wanted to be just like him then. Not until I was about 18 did I understand, me being a guy also loved him so much. Back in the 60's attraction to the same sex was not discussed nor understood much. A 12 yo boy in love with a 12 yo boy would not have gone so well in any household back then.

I still watch the re-runs and remember back to my thoughts of how much I wanted to be just like him back then. He was my hero and I always wished I could be part of his family with his TV dad "Lucas". I wanted him to be my brother.

Johnny, rest in peace and I will always remember the great smiles you brought to my face when I saw you with your dad Lucas on TV.... Collapse
Russ McClay Russ McClay wrote on May 15, 2021 at 8:47 pm
I am saddened, and shocked, to hear about your loss. I am 64 yrs old, and am a big fan of The Rifleman show, and still watch the reruns today. I remember other shows that Johnny was in... like Mr. Ed, and Branded (another show with Chuck Connors) where Johnny played a sheriff. There was another western when Johnny was very young, playing as a boy that lost the use of his legs. I can't remember the name of that western, though. It might have been a Lone Ranger episode. Anyway, Johnny Crawford will always be apart of my life. God bless all of you whom knew him best.
I am saddened, and shocked, to hear about your loss. I am 64 yrs old, and am a big fan of The Rifleman show, and still watch the reruns today. I remember other shows that Johnny was in... like Mr. Ed, and Branded (another show with Chuck Connors) where Johnny played a sheriff. There was another western when Johnny was very young, playing as a boy that lost the use of his legs. I can't remember the name of that western, though. It might have been a Lone Ranger episode. Anyway, Johnny Crawford will always be apart of my life. God bless all of you whom knew him best.... Collapse
Ashley Barr Ashley Barr from Golden wrote on May 15, 2021 at 6:57 am
I am only 27 but Johnny Crawford was my childhood crush. My dad grew up watching the Rifleman and introduced me to it when I was growing up. It was my favorite show and to this day is still one of them- it's a comfort show of mine. I met Johhny back in 2014 and I am so beyond fortunate. My dad and I just happened to find an old west show traveling through Denver and decided to go not knowing he would be there. I rounded a corner and saw a sign that said "Johnny Crawford" and honestly thought it would just be memorabilia- I did NOT expect to look down from the sign to see him standing at the booth. I have NEVER been a person that goes insane to meet stars-or cared about meeting bands/etc. But when I saw Johnny-21 year old me had to turn and run out of view for a minute to compose myself. My dad all the while poking fun at me. To this day there is no one else I would be so insanely happy to see as I was him. I went back and bought several things for him to autograph... Read more
I am only 27 but Johnny Crawford was my childhood crush. My dad grew up watching the Rifleman and introduced me to it when I was growing up. It was my favorite show and to this day is still one of them- it's a comfort show of mine.
I met Johhny back in 2014 and I am so beyond fortunate. My dad and I just happened to find an old west show traveling through Denver and decided to go not knowing he would be there.
I rounded a corner and saw a sign that said "Johnny Crawford" and honestly thought it would just be memorabilia- I did NOT expect to look down from the sign to see him standing at the booth. I have NEVER been a person that goes insane to meet stars-or cared about meeting bands/etc. But when I saw Johnny-21 year old me had to turn and run out of view for a minute to compose myself. My dad all the while poking fun at me. To this day there is no one else I would be so insanely happy to see as I was him. I went back and bought several things for him to autograph and honestly probably talked to him for 30+ minutes that day. He was SO KIND. My dad-being my dad-trying to embarrass me kept saying that he didn't just make my day but that he had made my LIFE. He honestly wasn't wrong- 7 years later and I STILL look back on that moment and get so immensely happy/laugh at the memories. He of course took several pictures with me and even at one point pushed my hair out of my face and kissed my cheek. He was so incredibly sweet. I am obsessed at the fact that I own stuff that he touched/signed for me. I even bought a couple records from his personal collection (though not that he probably ever played them but still.) It makes me so happy to have that and my memories. I wish I could have met him again but the once also was more than some so I'll take it.
I honestly got a little teary eyed April 29th when I heard of his passing.
Charlotte, you were married to such a kind man who inspired so many and so many loved-hopefully that helps the healing a LITTLE. You were so great to him and thank you for keeping the fans so in tune with his life when he couldn't.
My condolences to Bobby and the rest of Johnny's family as well.
I wish you all the best and hope you take comfort in the way he made others feel-the joy he brought to us all and will continue to do. โค... Collapse
Leeann Stewart Leeann Stewart from Arizona wrote on May 14, 2021 at 8:00 pm
It's been two weeks since Johnny died and I still cry my eyes out every day from it. I am a 14 year old girl from Columbus, Ohio who absolutely adored everything about Johnny. I grew up watching every single movie and TV show he has been in. I've been watching The Rifleman every day since I was around 5 years old. The bond Chuck and Johnny had was honestly so delightful and it inspired me to be close with my own dad as well. Johnny has inspired me to do a lot of things, such as the horse back riding and rodeo. Although my father things I am still a little young for rodeo, I know that's what I am going to end up doing as I am a little older. In 2013 at the Festival of the West, me and my dad had went and we met Johnny. I was only 6 years old, and I remember the day like it was yesterday. Johnny was such a sweetheart, and I remember him holding out his hand so that I could come sit on his lap and talk to him, and I did. We had talked about how I've... Read more
It's been two weeks since Johnny died and I still cry my eyes out every day from it. I am a 14 year old girl from Columbus, Ohio who absolutely adored everything about Johnny. I grew up watching every single movie and TV show he has been in. I've been watching The Rifleman every day since I was around 5 years old. The bond Chuck and Johnny had was honestly so delightful and it inspired me to be close with my own dad as well. Johnny has inspired me to do a lot of things, such as the horse back riding and rodeo. Although my father things I am still a little young for rodeo, I know that's what I am going to end up doing as I am a little older. In 2013 at the Festival of the West, me and my dad had went and we met Johnny. I was only 6 years old, and I remember the day like it was yesterday. Johnny was such a sweetheart, and I remember him holding out his hand so that I could come sit on his lap and talk to him, and I did. We had talked about how I've been growing up, learning and watching you. I remember saying "You were a handsome boy." and he just laughed and smiled away. I also remember him singing me his song 'Debbie', as we were dancing too. I also had brought him a gift, I had brought him a cowboy hat and a belt buckle. And in return, he just gave me a memory that I'll never forget. He gave me a small kiss on the cheek, and I had given him the biggest hug ever. If only my dad had gotten pictures and films, but we were poor then and didn't have the money to buy a camera to take pictures and film with. May his beautiful soul rest in peace. His memory will live with me until I meet with him again in heaven. We love you, Johnny. Oh, how I miss you so much.... Collapse
Linda Williamson Linda Williamson from vinton wrote on May 14, 2021 at 12:07 pm
Very sorry to hear of the passing of a talented actor & musician. We continue to watch Johnny every day on The Rifleman and recently saw him on other western series. When my sister & I were young we idolized him because he was such a good looking boy and we never heard any negative press about him ever. We will miss him-just knowing that he's gone but will continue to watch him as long as the series is on TV. He is indeed a family member you can be proud of... RIP
Very sorry to hear of the passing of a talented actor & musician. We continue to watch Johnny every day on The Rifleman and recently saw him on other western series. When my sister & I were young we idolized him because he was such a good looking boy and we never heard any negative press about him ever. We will miss him-just knowing that he's gone but will continue to watch him as long as the series is on TV. He is indeed a family member you can be proud of... RIP... Collapse
Paul Wagner Paul Wagner wrote on May 13, 2021 at 9:04 am
In 1975, I saw Johnny Crawford at Mayfair grocery store in Hollywood. There was no one around, and he was singing a Christmas carol to himself. Oh, How I wanted to step in and harmonize with him. What a delightful memory.
In 1975, I saw Johnny Crawford at Mayfair grocery store in Hollywood. There was no one around, and he was singing a Christmas carol to himself. Oh, How I wanted to step in and harmonize with him. What a delightful memory.... Collapse
Sandra Shiffer Sandra Shiffer from Ephrata, PA wrote on May 12, 2021 at 4:00 pm
OMG I just saw Johnny Crawford died. I am so sorry for your loss. I fell it love with him as a 5 year old when he was on the Rifleman. I adored Chuck Connors too, I never missed a show when I was little. I saw he died and I went to my bookcase and found my "The Rifleman" book that I received many, many years ago at Christmas. It is beaten up from reading it so much and being a little kid but now I will treasure it more. I actually still get to see The Rifleman on TV some Saturdays. I will treasure the show more but now look at it with sadness too since both are now gone. Johnny "Mark" is at peace now, One longtime fan who will always remember him, His family has my deepest sympathy.
OMG I just saw Johnny Crawford died. I am so sorry for your loss. I fell it love with him as a 5 year old when he was on the Rifleman. I adored Chuck Connors too, I never missed a show when I was little. I saw he died and I went to my bookcase and found my "The Rifleman" book that I received many, many years ago at Christmas. It is beaten up from reading it so much and being a little kid but now I will treasure it more. I actually still get to see The Rifleman on TV some Saturdays. I will treasure the show more but now look at it with sadness too since both are now gone. Johnny "Mark" is at peace now, One longtime fan who will always remember him, His family has my deepest sympathy.... Collapse
David McGuire David McGuire from Tidioute, PA wrote on May 11, 2021 at 11:17 am
I just heard of this and am so very sorry to hear of Johnny's passing. I dearly remember watching him on "The Rifleman" and the rapport between he and Chuck Connors was so evident. A great show indeed and Johnny was so integral in its success. Johnny was very talented in everything he tried. Miss him and R.I.P. Johnny.
I just heard of this and am so very sorry to hear of Johnny's passing. I dearly remember watching him on "The Rifleman" and the rapport between he and Chuck Connors was so evident. A great show indeed and Johnny was so integral in its success. Johnny was very talented in everything he tried. Miss him and R.I.P. Johnny.... Collapse
Janice Janice from Summerville SC wrote on May 11, 2021 at 10:48 am
I so enjoyed reading the remembrances about Johnny. He is much loved. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but he obviously was extremely nice his entire life. He will be missed. Thanks for sharing him with his friends and fans everywhere.
I so enjoyed reading the remembrances about Johnny. He is much loved. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but he obviously was extremely nice his entire life. He will be missed. Thanks for sharing him with his friends and fans everywhere.... Collapse
Peter Barilla Peter Barilla from Sierra Madre wrote on May 11, 2021 at 7:58 am
All my prayers and condolences to you and the family. I was very shocked and saddened to hear of Johnny's passing. Growing up watching Johnny on TV was always a delight. As part of so many Disney fan clubs of course Johnny as a Mouseketeer!! Growing up watching Johnny on The Rifleman was great and a pleasure. God's speed to an amazing person. Thank you for all the memories.
All my prayers and condolences to you and the family. I was very shocked and saddened to hear of Johnny's passing. Growing up watching Johnny on TV was always a delight. As part of so many Disney fan clubs of course Johnny as a Mouseketeer!! Growing up watching Johnny on The Rifleman was great and a pleasure. God's speed to an amazing person. Thank you for all the memories.... Collapse
Ann Cushing Ann Cushing from Vero Beach wrote on May 10, 2021 at 6:20 am
My condolences to Charlotte, Bobby and the entire Crawford family. My teen years were spent watching The Rifleman. And my fondest memories were listening to Johnny sing those beautiful songs: Rumors, Cindy's Birthday, Patti Ann, Donna; just to name a few. Johnny's voice was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. So sad that he and his family had to suffer with Alzheimer's. I have lost some very dear friends and a family member from this terrible disease. May God bring you His peace and strength. Thanks for the memories.
My condolences to Charlotte, Bobby and the entire Crawford family. My teen years were spent watching The Rifleman. And my fondest memories were listening to Johnny sing those beautiful songs: Rumors, Cindy's Birthday, Patti Ann, Donna; just to name a few. Johnny's voice was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard.
So sad that he and his family had to suffer with Alzheimer's. I have lost some very dear friends and a family member from this terrible disease. May God bring you His peace and strength. Thanks for the memories.... Collapse
Mrs Jan Klein Mrs Jan Klein from Arlington wrote on May 8, 2021 at 4:34 pm
My daughter just sent me this notification. My sympathies are with the family.... I like so many others admired first the TV show, The Rifleman, and the relationship between father and son that was written in the script weekly. Also the characters kept the memory of the mother alive in their hearts. The actors made you like them and love them and all their โ€œneighborsโ€ and โ€œfriendsโ€... As my family grew up, every Saturday that we had time, my children got to hear and see Johnny Crawford and Lucas McCain (and me again) and the stories of their home. His (Johnnyโ€™s) life was a gift to all of us, whatever he chose to do, act, ride&rope, sing, and dance to name a few of his talents....he entertained us all.
My daughter just sent me this notification. My sympathies are with the family.... I like so many others admired first the TV show, The Rifleman, and the relationship between father and son that was written in the script weekly. Also the characters kept the memory of the mother alive in their hearts. The actors made you like them and love them and all their โ€œneighborsโ€ and โ€œfriendsโ€... As my family grew up, every Saturday that we had time, my children got to hear and see Johnny Crawford and Lucas McCain (and me again) and the stories of their home. His (Johnnyโ€™s) life was a gift to all of us, whatever he chose to do, act, ride&rope, sing, and dance to name a few of his talents....he entertained us all.... Collapse
Norm Norm from Surfside Beach wrote on May 8, 2021 at 3:02 pm
So sad for your loss. he made so many people happy with great memories and will continue to do so . โค๐Ÿ˜ž
So sad for your loss. he made so many people happy with great memories and will continue to do so . โค๐Ÿ˜ž... Collapse
Patti Charron Patti Charron from Louisville, Kentucky wrote on May 8, 2021 at 2:01 pm
โ€œThe Riflemanโ€ is an incredibly fond memory of my childhood. Johnny Crawford remains a favorite. Prayers and peace for his family and friends. โค
โ€œThe Riflemanโ€ is an incredibly fond memory of my childhood. Johnny Crawford remains a favorite. Prayers and peace for his family and friends. โค... Collapse
Shirley Turberville Shirley Turberville from Mobile wrote on May 8, 2021 at 11:13 am
๐Ÿ’”... Collapse
john Tompkins john Tompkins from Rocky Mount wrote on May 8, 2021 at 11:07 am
he is going to be mist i know that he is with Jesus
he is going to be mist i know that he is with Jesus... Collapse
john Tompkins john Tompkins from Rocky Mount wrote on May 8, 2021 at 11:03 am
I love the a big fan of old tv show and moves i like in the tv show the rifleman and mickey mouse club his music is so good john t Tompkins
I love the a big fan of old tv show and moves i like in the tv show the rifleman and mickey mouse club his music is so good john t Tompkins... Collapse
Cheryl Casper Cheryl Casper from Norfolk wrote on May 8, 2021 at 8:38 am
Our heartfelt sympathy to Charlotte, Bobby, Nance, and all of Johnny's family members. My Mom and I watched The Rifleman when I was a teenager. It was just the two of us and we loved the show. In 2015 my husband, Craig, and I had the thrill of meeting Johnny at the Williamsburg Western Film Festival in Williamsburg, Va. We saw him again at the same festival in 2017, and one of the committee people surprisingly arranged for us to take Johnny to dinner. He was so sweet, friendly and down to earth. I kept thinking if only my Mom could see me from Heaven having dinner with Johnny Crawford (little Mark from The Rifleman). We are heartbroken that Johnny has passed, but know that he is in Heaven and out of suffering. Rest in peace, Johnny. Thank you for the great acting, singing and comedy that you brought to us.
Our heartfelt sympathy to Charlotte, Bobby, Nance, and all of Johnny's family members. My Mom and I watched The Rifleman when I was a teenager. It was just the two of us and we loved the show. In 2015 my husband, Craig, and I had the thrill of meeting Johnny at the Williamsburg Western Film Festival in Williamsburg, Va. We saw him again at the same festival in 2017, and one of the committee people surprisingly arranged for us to take Johnny to dinner. He was so sweet, friendly and down to earth. I kept thinking if only my Mom could see me from Heaven having dinner with Johnny Crawford (little Mark from The Rifleman). We are heartbroken that Johnny has passed, but know that he is in Heaven and out of suffering. Rest in peace, Johnny. Thank you for the great acting, singing and comedy that you brought to us.... Collapse
Ty Blankenship Ty Blankenship from Council bluffs Iowa wrote on May 8, 2021 at 5:45 am
I grew up watching you, in the early 60โ€™s, and followed your career throughout my life. You were an inspiration to me millions of others. Thank you Johnny, for the memories and I think of you often.
I grew up watching you, in the early 60โ€™s, and followed your career throughout my life. You were an inspiration to me millions of others. Thank you Johnny, for the memories and I think of you often.... Collapse
Chris regalado Chris regalado from Chicago wrote on May 7, 2021 at 6:02 pm
God speed. Thank you for your movie the rifleman I still watch today. They never get old and especially when Lucasโ€™s always talk about God. Amen
God speed. Thank you for your movie the rifleman I still watch today. They never get old and especially when Lucasโ€™s always talk about God. Amen... Collapse